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Canada student visa

Canada Student Visa-Навчальні візи в Канаду


Canada Student Visa
Canada Student Visa

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Watch this video to learn if you require a study visa to travel to Canada.

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Study in Canada as an international student

Start Your Canada Student  Visa Assessment Now!

What You Need to Know About Canadian Student Visa or Permits

Canada student visa, more than 1,130,000 students come to study in Canada every year. There is no reason why this cannot be you too. If you intend to study in Canada, you will likely need a ‘Study Permit’. A Study Permit is issued by the Canadian government which gives you permission to study in Canada for a temporary period. In most cases, the Study Permit specifies the particular educational institution and course of study.

If you want to study in Canada, you will need to file Form IMM 1294.  This form is used by individuals who want to apply for a study permit. Approved study permits may be limited to study at a certain school, or a certain course of study. Study Permits are temporary resident visas (TRV) and so when you are entering Canada, you will be required to show an officer that you will be studying in Canada only for a temporary period.

Canadian Student visa or Permit Requirement

In order to qualify for a study permit, you must:

  1. Satisfy an officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your studies
  2. Have a letter of acceptance from an educational institution
  3. Prove that you have money for the duration of your stay in Canada to pay for tuition fees, and living expenses for yourself and accompanying family members.
  4. Be law-abiding and have no record of criminal activity
  5. Not be a risk to the security of Canada
  6. Be in good health (complete a medical examination, if required)

Примітка: You may need to produce any additional documents requested by the officer to establish your admissibility.

Canada student visa
Canada student visa

The Top 4 FAQs About Canadian Study Permits

1.) How long can I study in Canada?

Generally you can stay in Canada for the duration of your study permit. Look at your permit and it will tell you when it expires. In some cases, you can apply for an extension.

2.) Can I work while on a Study Permit?

Yes, but only under limited circumstances such as when:

Your employment is on-campus;

  1. The international student is the recipient of a scholarship;
  2. The work has been certified as being an integral part of the program of study;
  3. The work consists of academic research or a post-doctoral fellowship;
  4. The work takes place after graduation in a field related to the program of study.

Spouses of international students are eligible to work temporarily in Canada.

There are other ways to work while on a study permit depending on where you study in Canada.

3.) Do I always need a Study Permit to study in Canada?

No. You do not require a Study Permit when:

  1. You take a French or English language training course that is no more than three months in duration; or
  2. You are the spouse or dependent child; a diplomatic or consular officer; a representative of a foreign country; or a representative of the United Nations or any other intergovernmental organization of which Canada is a member.

4.) Can I extend my study permit?

Yes you can.  You will need to file Form IMM 1249. This immigration visa form is used by individuals who want to file for an extension of their study permit in Canada. Individuals submit form IMM 1249 to change conditions or to extend their stay in Canada as students. This application is for temporary residents who reside currently reside in Canada as students.

Примітка: Individuals holding valid current temporary resident status can apply for an extension of their stay, provided they apply at least 30 days before the expiry date of their current status.

Why Hire Us to Help You process your student visa application!

Studying in Canada is an amazing experience for any student.  Canada has one of the highest standards of education in the world.  If you want to ensure your best chances at getting an approval on your student visa application, then we recommend you consult with us for 100% guaranteed process. We have direct links with all the universities and educational institutions. Everything will be done and your student visa will be posted to you.

We have helped millions of students successfully enter Canada on a study permit, and we can help you too!

The first step towards your studying in Canada is getting an assessment of your case. Fill out our immigration assessment form and we will get back to you within 24 hours to discuss your eligibility and options.

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Родріке Мірес

Сьогодні я отримав виписку з банківського рахунку Wells Fargo за 3 місяці, і її було перевірено. Не можу віддячити, коли мені знадобиться, я повернуся. Я так вдячна

Монзіка Клінтон

Минулого тижня в четвер замовив дві готові компанії, а сьогодні отримав усі деталі. Для мене це справді хороший початок цього року. Дуже дякую, що допомогли мені скористатися цією чудовою можливістю

Морізенд Бенджаз

Дякую, це було чудово. Видав свою виписку з банківського рахунку за 12 місяців із необхідними коштами та зміг перевірити онлайн. Чудова робота, буду замовляти знову

Сахаджа Єнігалла

Найкращий персонал з дуже хорошими знаннями про оформлення паспортів. Складні справи розглядаються легко та орієнтовані на результат. Дякую, що проклали шлях для моєї кар'єри. Без вашої допомоги мені було б неможливо приїхати так довго. Велике спасибі за все, що ви зробили для підтримки моєї заявки. Дуже рекомендую для подорожей за кордон

Шивані Бхангу

Це шостий раз, коли я подорожую зі своїм швейцарським паспортом, який я отримав від вашої команди, я справді зрозумів силу вашого обслуговування. Це неймовірно добре. Буде набагато впевненіше рекомендувати ваші послуги.

Харджіт Сінгх Оберой

Надійна та надійна компанія, швидкість обробки неймовірна. Цінується

Джагжит Сінгх Габа

Найкраще місце, але оформлення мого паспорта зайняло трохи більше часу, ніж очікувалося. Наступного разу, будь ласка, зробіть послугу набагато швидшою

Палві Чхабра

Thank you to the team of UK Visa Sponsorship Jobs Agency who provided me a lot of guidance. Today am very happy as i got my visa to Canada within 12 days with overall 6.5 not less than 5.5 bands. I recommend to all the students to come here and apply here.

Манпріт Багха

Мені було важко отримати виписку з банківського рахунку для школи, до якої я хотів подати заявку, тому що відсутність бюджету на суму, зазначену в банківській виписці, змусила мене почати шукати, де я можу отримати законну. Дякую, ваша команда мені дуже допомогла. Я завжди буду вдячний.

Манпріт Сінгх Лубана

UK Visa Sponsorship Jobs Agency is the best place for getting visa.They guide you very professionally and intelligently.i recommend everyone to visit their website.I get my visa in one month with the great support.
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