Гостьові візи для США

Гостьова віза в США, гостьова віза США

Visitor Visa for USA, US Travel Visa, US Visitor Visa From Canada, USA Visitor Visa Documents

Find Out If You Need a Visitor Visa to Travel to USA

USA Work Visas & Authorization for international Students

Visitor Visa to USA, Business (B-1) or Tourism (B-2)

Do you want a visitor Visa to USA! US travel visa Business (B-1) or Tourism (B-2)? Travel Purposes Not Permitted On Visitor Visas!

Потім заповніть наш Форма оцінки імміграції, і ми зв’яжемося з вами протягом 24 годин, щоб обговорити вашу правомочність і варіанти.

Generally, a citizen of a foreign country who wishes to enter the United States must first obtain a visa, either a non-immigrant visa for a temporary stay, or an immigrant visa for permanent residence. Visitor visas are non-immigrant visas for persons who want to enter the United States temporarily for business (visa category B-1), for tourism (visa category B-2), or for a combination of both purposes (B-1/B-2).

How to apply. There are several steps to apply for a visa. The order of these steps and how you complete them may vary by U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

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Interview Questions You Could Be Asked and How Best to Answer Them for USA B1 & B2 Tourist Visa Applications Answered

A.) Visitor Visa For USA

The B-1/B-2 visitor visas are for people traveling to the United States temporarily for business (B-1) or for pleasure or medical treatment (B-2). The B-1 visa is for travelers consulting with business associates, attending scientific, educational, professional or business conventions/conferences, settling an estate or negotiating contracts. The B-2 visas are for travelers that are recreational in nature, including tourism, visits with friends or relatives, medical treatment and activities of a fraternal, social or service nature. The B-1 and B-2 visas are combined and issued as one visa: the B-1/B-2.

B.) Travel Purposes Not Permitted on Visitor Visas

  • Study
  • Employment
  • Paid performances, or any professional performance before a paying audience
  • Arrival as a crew member on a ship or aircraft
  • Work as foreign press, in radio, film, print journalism, or other information media
  • Permanent residence in the United States
Гостьова віза в США, гостьова віза США
Гостьова віза в США

Visitor visas will also not be issued for birth tourism (travel for the primary purpose of giving birth in the United States to obtain U.S. citizenship for their child).

C.) How to Apply

There are several steps to apply for a us visitor visa. The order of these steps and how you complete them may vary by U.S. Embassy, Consultant or Consulate. Fill out visa application assessment form.

D.) Schedule an Interview

Interviews are generally required for visa applicants with certain limited exceptions below. Consular officers may require an interview of any visa applicant.

If you are age: Then an interview is:
13 and younger Generally not required
14-79 Required (some exceptions for renewals)
80 and older Generally not required

E.) Interview Questions You Could Be Asked and How Best to Answer Them

1. Why do you want to go to the USA?
2. Have you been to the USA before?
3. Why do you plan to travel at this time?
4. Who are you going with to the USA?
5. Which places are you planning to visit?
6. How long do you plan to stay in the USA?
7. Can you stay for a shorter period of time?
8. How much do you think will it cost you to stay in the USA?
9. What do you do for a living?
10. How much do you earn for a living?
11. How will you finance your trip?
12. Do you have relatives in the USA?
13. Do you have friends in the USA?
14. What are their exact addresses?
15. (For visiting Relatives/ Friends) How long have they been living in the USA and what are their current status?
16. (For visiting Relatives/ Friends) Where are they working and what will you do during the office hours?
17. Do you have plans of working in the USA?
18. Have you already booked your plane tickets?
19. Have you traveled to other countries before?
20. How can you assure that you will come back home?

Надіслати us a message, and we will tell you how to answer them correctly.

USA Visitor visa, Apply for USA Visit Visa
USA Visitor visa application


F.) Gather Required Documentation

Gather and prepare the following required documents before your visa interview:

  • Паспорт valid for travel to the United States – Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your period of stay in the United States (unless exempt by country-specific agreements). Each individual who needs a visa must submit a separate application, including any family members listed in your passport.
  • Non-immigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 confirmation page.
  • Application fee payment receipt, if you are required to pay before your interview.
  • Photo – You will upload your photo while completing the online Form DS-160. If the photo upload fails, you must bring one printed photo in the format explained in the Photograph Requirements.
G.) Additional Information
  • An individual on a visitor visa (B1/B2) is not permitted to accept employment or work in the United States.
  • There is no guarantee you will be issued a visa. Do not make final travel plans or buy tickets until you have a visa.
  • A valid U.S. visa in an expired passport is still valid. Unless canceled or revoked, a visa is valid until its expiration date. If you have a valid visa in your expired passport, do not remove it from your expired passport. You may use your valid visa in your expired passport along with a new valid passport for travel and admission to the United States.

Further information, help, and advice

www.uscispassportvisa.com team of specialists has over 32 years of experience in immigration services, and has helped thousands of people to study and work in the US. All applications for US visas are dealt with in-house by a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA).

For more information and advice on US immigration law and US visa applications please зв'яжіться з нами на info@ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.com

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