Заявление на получение рабочей визы в Данию

Denmark Work Visa Application – Immigration

Дания work visa application, if you’re planning on moving to Denmark to work or to set up your own business, then you might need to arrange yourself a work permit. Check out this simple guide to getting a Danish work visa. Denmark work visa application.

Danish visa types

  • The Positive List: There are many occupations in Denmark for which there is a lack of qualified workers. If you have skills in one of these occupations, you can obtain a work and residence permit in very little time under the Positive List scheme.
  • The Pay Limit Scheme: If you have a job offer from a Danish employer that pays more than DKK 375,000 (approximately USD 55,000), you are also eligible for a work and residence permit in Denmark under the Pay Limit scheme.

Do I need a Danish work visa?

Your first priority should be to figure out if you need a work permit at all. In some cases, depending on your nationality and the role you’re going to take on, a permit might not be necessary. European Union (EU) citizens along with European Economic Area (EAA) and Swiss nationals are covered by EU legislation on free movement, and can live and work in Denmark without needing a special visa. Citizens of the Nordic countries are also given special privileges, which mean they don’t need a permit. In both cases, if you plan on being there for more than three months, you might be required to register your residence to stay legally in Denmark. Denmark work visa application.

What is the process to get a Danish work visa?

Full details on getting a Denmark visa of any type can be found on the government backed and extremely helpful ‘New to Denmark’ website. There’s also plenty of information about settling in Denmark once your paperwork is in order. If you’re from outside of the EU, you’ll need a residence and work permit. Denmark offers several different work permit options. If you’re coming to work in a role which is short of skilled staff, then you’ll find it easier to get a Danish work permit. The government publishes an evolving ‘Positive List’, which is their list of Denmark’s work roles in shortage.

Alternatively, you might be offered a visa if you’re coming to work in a role which is paid significantly above the average wage, or for an employer who has been approved by the government as an international recruiter. Denmark work visa application.

For more information and advice on Danish immigration law and Danish visa applications please свяжитесь с нами на info@ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.com

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