Vanuatu Passports

Buy Vanuatu Passport Online = $3300

Buy Vanuatu Passports

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    Vanuatu Passport – Obtain Vanuatu Passport and gain Dual Citizenship

    Buy Vanuatu passport online, the Vanuatu passport is an international travel document that is issued to Vanuatu citizens. On July 30, 2019, Vanuatu launched new passports with improved security features 10 year validity, on the account of 39th independence day celebrations by the Prime Minister.

    Advantages of Vanuatu Citizenship – Buy Vanuatu passport online

    • A Vanuatu passport allows visa-free entry to more that 100+ countries including all European Union countries, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Russia.
    • Citizens of Vanuatu are permitted to apply for Australian Visitor Visa (subclass 600) and U.S. Tourist Visa, amongst others.
    • Family friendly citizenship program: the successful application covers a family of four (main applicant, spouse, and one child under 18 years) with only nominal fees for additional dependents.
    • The Republic of Vanuatu imposes no income, wealth, and inheritance taxes.
    • Absence of tax treaty exchange and guaranteed bank and commercial privacy in the highly developed Vanuatu Banking sector (Vanuatu is the Bahamas of the Pacific but without tax exchange treaties in place with most countries).
    • No residency requirements for successful applicants.

    Visa-free travel with a Vanuatu passport

    The citizens of Vanuatu can visit 96 countries without a visa ✅. Vanuatuan passport holders also have access to get 18 e-visas или же 29 visas on arrival. Vanuatu has a population of 277.5k people and the capital is Port Vila.

    Why Vanuatu? – Buy real biometric database registered Vanuatu Passport online

    Vanuatu is the slingshot-shaped chain of 83 islands located in the Pacific Ocean between Australia and New Zealand… and literally thousands of miles away from the world’s political and economic problems. A former joint British-French protectorate, Vanuatu became an independent Republic in 1980 and has since fiercely guarded its independence and sovereignty.

    Vanuatu is self-sufficient in many aspects, with most of its food produce being organic. Genetically modified foods are not allowed! Vanuatu is a free market economy with no personal income taxes. The island nation has a unique bio-diversity including the most easily accessible active volcano in the world. Though Vanuatu is still underdeveloped, upmarket tourism is growing rapidly.  The capital city is Port Vila on the island of Efate. Albeit small in size and population (44,000), Port Vila boasts a well-developed banking and financial infrastructure with approximately seven banks serving the international financial industry and a range of highly professional lawyers, accountants, and financial consultants including big-name international firms.

    Requirements needed to process yours

    Это требования, которые вам необходимо отсканировать и отправить нам.
    1.) Фамилия, имена, пол, рост, дата и место рождения и гражданство (точно так же, как в ваших оригинальных документах)
    2.) Сканирование отпечатков пальцев (поместите пальцы на подушечку с синими чернилами, затем положите тот же палец на белый лист бумаги и отсканируйте его перед отправкой нам)
    3.) Подпись (Подпишите на белом листе бумаги, отсканируйте его и отправьте нам)
    4.) Одна (1) фотография паспортного размера (фото должно быть на белом фоне)
    5.) Цвет глаз и цвет волос
    6.) Оплата паспортного сбора
    7.) Либо нажмите здесь подать заявку.

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