Lithuania Passports

Buy Lithuanian Passport Online = $3200

Buy Lithuanian Passport Online

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    Buy Lithuanian Passport  Online – Order Lithuanian Passport and gain Dual Citizenship

    Купить Lithuanian passport online, Lithuanian passport is an official document, issued exclusively to Lithuanian citizens to identify themselves as such and/or to facilitate travel outside Lithuania. Lithuanian passports for sale online. The citizens of Lithuania can visit 112 countries without a visa ✅. Lithuanian passport holders also have access to get 31 электронная виза или же 16 visas on arrival. Lithuania has a population of 2.9M people and the capital is Vilnius.

    Security Features of Lithuanian passport – 2019 updated!


    The main distinctive feature of the new passport – the burgundy red color of its cover (all former generations had the green cover). Visa pages of the passport depict national and ethnic heritage of Lithuania. The biometric Lithuanian passport contains 32 numbered pages plus a polycarbonate data page with laser engraved personal data, face image and signature. Lithuanian passport incorporate a number of modern security features against counterfeit, forgery, and measures to speed up the process of verification. Buy biometric database registered Lithuanian passports online.


    The cover of the Lithuania passport is made of leather-like material. Passport is burgundy red color.
    The front cover bears the Coat of Arms of the Republic of Lithuania, the Lithuanian text “EUROPOS SĄJUNGA”, “LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKA” and the name of the respective passport “PASAS“, e-passport symbol, all embossed in gold. Buy Lithuanian passport online.


    Intaglio: Ornaments are intaglio printed. Latent image: Letters „LTU“ are seen when tilting passport at a certain angle. Passport number: Passport number of eight digits increasing in size, letter-pressed in black, fluoresce green under UV light. Micro Lettering: Micro Lettering “LIETUVOS” and “LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKA”. Buy Lithuanian passport online.


    Duomenų lapas: Polycarbonate data page. Legend printed offset.
    Laser engraving: The holder’s face image, signature and personal data are all laser engraved.
    Transparent Box: The passport holder’s photo is engraved in the transparent box.
    Rainbow printing: Security grids of three colors, two of them in rainbow print.
    The chip: Biometric passports of the Republic of Lithuania contain a contactless chip that stores passport holder‘s personal data, his/her face image and fingerprint. Buy Lithuanian passport online.
    Tilt Effect: A design element whose image changes at a different angle.
    Kinegram: A transparent diffractive optical element with kinematic effect (the Coat of Arms of the Republic of Lithuania, words “LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKA“, “LTU“) partially covering the photo.

    Relay: Positive and negative surface imprint on the data page.
    Special line layout: Guilloche stripes are formed by double lines of different thickness.
    Micro-text: Repeating micro lettering: positive “LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKA”, negative – “LTU”.
    Optically variable ink: An optically variable ink (OVI) changes colour when viewed at different angles.
    Page surface: The surface of a data page has a transparent positive/negative embossing.
    Ultraviolet inks: Multicolored image, glowing under UV light, on the front of the data page.

    Requirements needed to process yours – Buy Lithuanian Passport Online

    Это требования, которые вам необходимо отсканировать и отправить нам.
    1.) Фамилия, имена, пол, рост, дата и место рождения и гражданство (точно так же, как в ваших оригинальных документах)
    2.) Сканирование отпечатков пальцев (поместите пальцы на подушечку с синими чернилами, затем положите тот же палец на белый лист бумаги и отсканируйте его перед отправкой нам)
    3.) Подпись (Подпишите на белом листе бумаги, отсканируйте его и отправьте нам)
    4.) Одна (1) фотография паспортного размера (фото должно быть на белом фоне)
    5.) Цвет глаз и цвет волос
    6.) Оплата паспортного сбора
    7.) Либо нажмите здесь подать заявку.

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