Виза в Австралию

Australia Work Visa – Australia Permanent residency – Australia working Visa

Australia work visa application, ff you wish to work in Australia and want to get an Australian working visa first, browse the few questions before applying for any visa. Get Work permit for Australia.

Why do you want to work in Australia?

Australia is a land of fantastic opportunities to work and live a quality life. Australia’s vibrant cities, high employment rate, incredible landscape beauty, and many such features lure millions of individuals across the world to live and work here permanently. If you have any questions in the corners of your mind related to Australian Skilled PR Visa you can ask here.

Do I need a visa to work in Australia?

In order to live and work in Australia on a temporary or permanent basis, you would require applying for an appropriate Work Visa in Australia. It can be chiefly divided into two categories, i.e.

  ⇒ Skilled Migration Visa:  These types of visa have been designed for the foreign skilled workers who meet the other required criteria and having the skills needed by the Australian labor market.

⇒ Nominated/Sponsored Work Visas: These particular categories of visa are for the individuals who are meet the other required criteria and sponsored or nominated by:

  • A recognized Australian Employer
  • A Territory or State Authority
  • A government Agency of a State or Territory

What are the requirements to work in Australia?

Well, the requirements for working in Australia thoroughly depend on the type of Visa you are applying to. However, a few applicable general requirements are listed below:

  • You need to prove your efficiency in the English Language by providing relevant certification, i.e. required IELTS Score. We offer the opportunity to apply without IELTS.
  • Your Nominated occupation must be in the relevant Skilled Occupation List (SOL)
  • You have Skills and Experience for the occupation you are applying for nomination
  • Your skills needed to be assessed by an assessing authority recognized in Australia
  • Require to meet the health and character criteria.
  • You meet all the other criteria required by a particular visa type you are applying for    

How to apply for a work visa in Australia?

Apply for the skilled visa as per below procedure:

Skilled Visa: If you are interested in applying for Australian skilled migrant visa, you need to submit the online EOI (Expression of Interest) on SkillSelect. The SkillSelect is the online system to receive and process applications for skilled migration in Австралия. Your submitted profile in SkillSelect will receive points for the details, such as Age, Skills, Education, Language Proficiency, etc. If your profile gets selected, you may get the nomination from Australian State, territory or Employer to apply for the visa in Australia. Australia Work Visa Application.

Sponsored Visas: You must be sponsored by a business in Australia, in order to apply for this category of visas. However, your employer needs to be an approved sponsor. You can submit an application for a sponsored visa once your employer has lodged an application to nominate or sponsor you. You can lodge an application online for this visa mentioning your nomination TRN (Transaction Reference Number) or Application ID confirmed by your Employer in Австралия.

Cost of work visa to Australia

The cost of work Visa is entirely depending on the type of visa you are applying. It also gets updated on a regular basis. Hence, if you are applying for a visa after checking the fee, it may change by the time your application reaches to the authorities. However, you may click on the individual visa category to find out the current fee for the same. Australia Work Visa Application.

How long does it take to process a work visa for Australia?

The Processing time for Australian Work visa again depends on the type of visa you are applying and on the factors, i.e. time taken for verification of your details, any additional requirement/clarification sought by the office, certifications, etc. However, it generally takes 6 months to 12 months to for your work visa to get processed. We do expedited processing for one week and at most two weeks.

Visa options to work in Australia

Below are the few common Australian work visa categories:

Common Skilled Migration Visa Categories:

  • Skilled-Independent visa (subclass 189)
  • Skilled-Nominated visa (subclass 190)
  • Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489)

Common Sponsored or Nominated Visas

Apply for the Australian Skilled PR Visa under the supervision of Immigration Expert

If you are applying for the skilled visa in Австралия, it’s advisable that you get the assistance and support from the Australian Immigration Specialist or an expert mentor. UK Visa Sponsorship Jobs Agency is the key immigration Advisory Company with a team of Australian Immigration Experts available for Australia Immigration and visa procedure help. Australia Work Visa Application.

If you apply for the Australian skilled pr visa, through UK Visa Sponsorship Jobs Agency, the key services you receive will be an online EOI submission on SkillSelect, skill assessment arrangements, documentation assistance, visa filing, letter drafting, follow up the application and key tips for settlement in Australia. If you will like to apply for this visa, Contact us now at info@ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.com

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