Malta Passports

Buy Maltese Passport Online = $2400

Buy Maltese Passport Online

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    Buy Maltese Passport Online – Order Maltese Passport Online and Gain Dual Citizenship

    Buy Maltese passport online, the Maltese passport (passaport Malti) is a passport that is issued to citizens of the Republic of Malta. The citizens of Malta can visit 115 countries without a visa ✅. Maltese passport holders also have access to get 28 e-visas sau 18 visas on arrival. Malta has a population of 425.4k people and the capital is Valletta. Buy Maltese passport online.

    Why the rich want a Maltese passport – Maltese Citizenship

    Dominica is good, Portugal is better, but Malta is probably best of all — albeit expensive. The accessory that the world’s super-rich are after is not a private jet or trophy wife but a second passport. An estimated 20,000 people a year are applying for second passports. The industry has grown hugely and is said to be increasing by 50 per cent a year. “The number of programs on offer has grown exponentially”. Seven years ago there were only two.” Christian Kälin, chairman of Henley & Partners, said: “If you have a yacht and two airplanes, the next thing to get is a Maltese passport; it’s the latest status symbol”. Buy Maltese passport online.

    There is a long list of reasons for why you might want to live in Malta. Malta has some of the best weather in Europe — partly because they’re on the geographic edge of the continent. Their country is packed with culture, surrounded by beaches and full of people enjoying a laid back way of life. Malta also has a stable government, which respects the rule of law and delivers a relatively crime-free environment to the Maltese people. Her economy is forward-looking and set up to focus on growth for the foreseeable future.

    Requirements needed to process yours – Buy Maltese passport online

    Acestea sunt cerințele pe care trebuie să le scanați și să ni le trimiteți.
    1.) Nume, prenume, sex, înălțime, data și locul nașterii și naționalitate (exact ca în documentele originale)
    2.) Scanare cu degetul (Puneți degetele pe un tampon de cerneală albastră, apoi plasați același deget pe o coală albă de hârtie și scanați-o înainte de a ne trimite)
    3.) Semnătură (semnați pe o foaie albă de hârtie, scanați-o și trimiteți-ne la noi)
    4.) O (1) fotografie dimensiune pașaport (Fotografia trebuie să fie pe fundal alb)
    5.) Culoarea ochilor și culoarea părului
    6.) Plata taxei de pașaport
    7.) Alternativ, faceți clic Aici pentru a vă depune cererea.

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