Pedido de visto de trabalho holandês

Netherlands Work Visa – Work Permit Netherlands

Holanda work visa application, if you want to work in the Netherlands, your residency status and nationality will dictate if you need a Dutch work permit. Dutch work and residence authoritative are closely linked, so your reason for moving to the Netherlands – for example, as a highly skilled worker, employee, student or family member – will determine what kind of authorization you need to legally work in the Netherlands. Netherlands work visa application. Thanks to the Netherlands’ strong economy, high quality of life, and favorable immigration laws – including generous tax breaks for migrant workers – it is one of Europe’s best countries for employers wanting to hire foreign workers.

Work permit in the Netherlands – Work Visa Application

Every non-EU citizen who wants to work in the Netherlands has to obtain a valid work permit. Either the employee or their prospective employer may request the permit, although it is usually the employer who makes the request. A work permit is valid only for the employer who makes the request and ceases if / when the employee leaves the job. There is no general work permit for the Netherlands.

Who needs a Dutch work permit

Expats from within the EU, the EEA (the EU plus Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway) or Switzerland do not need a work or permissão de residência for the Netherlands, as citizens of these nations have to right to freedom of movement within each other. The most recent EU member countries for which full freedom of movement came into effect was Bulgaria and Romania at the start of 2014. As of July 1, 2018, people from Croatia no longer need a Dutch work permit to work in the Netherlands. Netherlands work visa application.

Expats also do not need a work permit if they are here to perform certain types of work for short periods of time on an occasional basis (such as press service staff, musicians and visiting lecturers). All other internationals will need a permit of some kind to work in the Netherlands.

Types of work permits in the Netherlands

The main kinds of work permit that apply to the Netherlands are:

  • GVVA or Single Permit
  • Highly skilled migrant permit
  • Orientation year (zoekjaar) permits for expat graduates
  • Entrepreneur permit

For more information and advice on Dutch immigration law and Netherlands visa applications please Contate-Nos sobre

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