Solicitação de visto de trabalho na Itália

Italy Work Visa Application – Italy Immigration

Itália work visa application, as Italy is both a member of the European Union (EU) and party to the Schengen Treaty, differing immigration rules will apply to foreign workers coming to Italy. EU and EEA nationals are free to work in Italy without the need for a work permit under European free movement principles. Foreign workers from non-EU / EEA countries are generally required to hold a valid work permit from their employer and work visa from the Italian consulate in their country of residence before entering Italy. While hiring of non-EU/EEA nationals is subject to a yearly quota system, highly-skilled professionals are generally exempt from this quota. However, they are still required to follow the relevant application process to obtain a work permit and visa. Italy work visa application.

Italy Entry Requirements

All EU / EEA nationals will only need to present an identification document to enter Italy, due to the common travel area of the Schengen Zone, part of which Italy is. On the meantime, if you are a non-EU / EEA traveler wishing to visit Italy, San Mariano or Vatican, you will need to present the following at the Italian port of entry, in order to be permitted to enter:

  • A valid passport or travel document. Valid for at least three more months beyond their planned date of Exit from Schengen, and issued within the last 10 years.
  • A visa – if they are subject to Italian visa regime.

*British passport holders are exempt from the criteria of passport validity and issuance date.

Other documents such as an invitation letter from an Italian host, proof you have the financial means for a trip to Italy or a round-trip ticket, may be required from you. For more information in this regard, contact the local consular services of Italy in your country of residence. Italy work visa application. Moreover, the Italian border officer may ask you a few questions related to your trip to Italy, i.e.:

  • What is your purpose of visiting Italy?
  • How long do you intend to stay in Italy?
  • Where are you going to stay in Italy? Etc.

Note that the Italian border police holds the final decision if you shall be permitted to enter Italy or not. If the Italian border officer concludes that you are no risk for Italy, upon checking your documents, you will be permitted to enter Italy, and thus the Schengen territory. Please, make sure that the Italian border officer stamps your passport when you enter Italy. Without a stamp, you could be fined or detained from Italy. Italy work visa application

Who Needs a Schengen Visa to Enter Italy? – Italy work visa application

You will need a short-stay visa to enter Italy and any other member country of the Schengen zone, if you belong to one of the following categories:

  • You are the national of a third-world country that has não chegou a um acordo de liberalização de vistos com os Estados Schengen
  • You are the national of a third-world country that has signed a visa liberalization agreement with the Schengen states, but you were previously rejected from entering Italy or any other Schengen country.

For more information and advice on Italian immigration law and visa applications please Contate-Nos sobre

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