How to Form a Company in Hong Kong

Jak założyć firmę w Hong Kongu?

Form-a-company in Hong Kong, How to form a company in Hong Kong? Hire us! We apply for Hong Kong limited company registration on your behalf. Commonly, Hong Kong offshore company formation entails independent bank account and accounting book. sole proprietorship HK is also required. Choose the location in mainland china or offshore.

how to create a company in Hong Kong?

To create company Hong Kong, you need:

  • Certified true copy of incorporation of HK company
  • Certified true copy should be in language of English or Chinese
  • Branch office in HK
  • Offshore Ltd. Company
  • Registered address – Form-a-company in Hong Kong
  • Bank account opening
  • Nominee provision
  • Visa provision

May also require: –

  •  Accounting and bank service
  • Tax and audit service
  • Branch office in HK may be treated as extension of main office and it is considered as legal entity.

The pros of opening a company in Hong Kong

  • Hong Kong is, along with Singapore, the most liberal economy in the world. Therefore, opening a limited company is simple, fast and cheap (the government requires a fee of 1,730 HKD for the Company Registration and a fee of 250 HKD for the Business Registration Certificate). You don’t even need to live there, as you can hire a company secretary and get a registered office address for a small annual fee (there are several reputable agencies that offer this service).
  • The required registered capital in Hong Kong is much smaller than in the majority of countries (usually only 10,000 HKD).
  • You can run your business from any country in the world (if you don’t live in Hong Kong, an agency can provide a secretary and a registered office address in Hong Kong for about 5-6,000 HKD per year).
  • Hong Kong is a major banking center and once you have incorporated your company there, you’ll be entitled to open a multi-currency business bank account (with e-Banking) at a globally recognized bank such as DBS lub Hang Seng Bank. This is a key feature if you plan to do business worldwide. Note that if you prefer, you can also open the bank account for your company outside Hong Kong, such as in Singapore or Switzerland. In any event, a good agency will give you clear guidelines and connect you with a suitable bank.

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