Wniosek o wizę pracowniczą do Japonii

Japan Work Visa – Japan Work Permit Application

Japan work visa application, foreign workers are required to have the proper visas and work permits in Japan, as established by immigration laws.  Japan work permit application. Workers entering Japan generally enter through a points based highly skilled visa (高度専門職1号イ,ロ及びハ) or one of the industry specific categories for working visas. These categories include areas such as ‘business manager’ (経営・管理). Japan work visa application.

Visitors to Japan on a 3-month tourist visanot allowed to work in Japan. People hoping to find employment in Japan must have a working visa before they arrive in the country. Applying for one will require the cooperation of the the company, university, research institute, board of education or school that will employ them. Applicants will need to liaise in this process with the Japanese embassy or consulate in their own countries. Japan work visa application.

Specified Skilled Visas

From April 1, 2019 the Japanese government introduced new visas known as Specified Skilled Visas (tokutei ginou, 特定技能) to address labor shortages in various industries. Over 345,000 foreign workers will be allowed to enter Japan under the new conditions. Two types of visa are available Specified Skills Visa 1- SSV1 oraz Specified Skills Visa 2- SSV2. The SSV1 will be for a period of five years and will allow for limited renewals. Entrants will NOT be allowed to bring family members. The SSV2 (beginning in 2021) allows holders of this visa to bring family members and can be renewed indefinitely. Holders of the SSV1 can apply to change their visa status to the SSV2. Japan work visa application.

Japan Working Visa Requirements

Visas which allow paid work generally require a Japanese company, school, university or individual to act as sponsor. Having found work at a school, university or Japanese company, applicants for a working visa will need to fill out an application form from the Japanese embassy or consulate in their own countries. Japan work visa application. The following are the usual requirements for obtaining a working visa for Japan: a valid passport, a recent photograph, a letter from your future employer (or sponsor) stating your position and expected salary, a Certificate of Eligibility (the application for which requires documentation from your prospective employer), a curriculum vitae and copies of any necessary graduation certificates.

The Certificate of Eligibility is a vital component of your working visa application. It is issued by the Japanese Ministry of Justice. If the candidate is overseas, the application for it will usually be made by the prospective employer through an immigration office in Japan. See Certificate of Eligibility application details. Working visas are normally granted for periods of 1 year or 3 years except for entertainers where the periods are 3 months, 6 months and one year and are usually extendable.

Working visas are available in the following categories: Professor, Artist, Investor/Business Manager, Journalist, Legal/Accounting Services, Medical Services, Researcher, Instructor, Engineer, Skilled Laborer (chef, sommelier etc), Specialist in Humanities/International Services, Intra-Company Transferee, Entertainer.



Residence Card

All new foreign residents are issued a residence card upon initially entering Japan at Narita, Haneda, Kansai or Chubu Airports. New residents arriving through different ports can get their cards at their municipal offices. The residence card is an important document required for opening a bank account, obtaining a cell phone, converting a drivers license and similar activities. It stores the holder’s personal information, including the current address, the status of residence and period of stay. Foreign residents are required to carry their residence card with them at all times.
For more information and advice on Japanese immigration law and visa applications please Skontaktuj się z nami na info@ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.com

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