Lebanon Passports

Buy Lebanese Passport Online = $2600

Buy Lebanese Passport Online

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    Buy Lebanese Passport Online – Order Lebanese Passport and gain Dual Citizenship

    Buy Lebanese Passport online,the passaporto of the Republic of Lebanon (جواز سفر الجمهورية اللبنانية‎)(Passeport de la république libanaise) is a passport issued to the citizens of the Republic of Lebanon to enable them to travel outside the Republic of Lebanon.

    Lebanese passports for sale online. The citizens of Lebanon can visit 15 countries without a visa ✅. Lebanese passport holders also have access to get 29 e-visas o 17 visas on arrival. Lebanon has a population of 6M people and the capital is Beirut.

    Security Features of Lebanese Passport – The new biometric ePassport

    The new Lebanese ePassport incorporates additional visual security features and electronic layers, ensuring it adheres to the highest ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) and ISO (International Standard Organization) standards and protects against fraud and counterfeiting. USCIS Passports Visa is proud to contribute to this new passaporto biometrico program and is delivering its s ePassports and ​Issuance solution. Buy Lebanese Passport online.

    The highly secure document incorporates a microprocessor which embeds photographic and biometric data such as fingerprints to enable verification of the holder’s identity. The solution is also based on one of the fastest operating software systems on the market, ensuring the rapid processing of Lebanese passport holders at border controls. The new biometric enrollment process includes the capture of ten fingerprints e iris.

    International recognition for freedom of movement

    The completion of the biometric passport project is particularly important for Lebanon, especially in terms of enhancing control and security against potential fraud. Buy Lebanese Passport online. It will also allow the Lebanese to benefit from the advanced technology features of this passport, which are supported by most other countries, making it more secure and easier for them to travel. The new Lebanese passport will also facilitate visa and immigration processes, as it matches the specifications of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). In particular, the General Directorate of General Security is precisely defining the applicant’s portrait constraints (lighting, pose, facial expression). These follow the recommendations defined by the ISO/IEC 19794-5 standard, which also serves as a reference for the ICAO 9303 standard for passport photographs. As of July 2019, Lebanese citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to 39 sovereign countries. Biometric Lebanese passports for sale online.

    Requirements needed to process yours – Buy Lebanese passport online

    Questi sono i requisiti che devi scansionare e inviarci.
    1.) Cognome, nome, sesso, altezza, data e luogo di nascita e nazionalità (esattamente come sui documenti originali)
    2.) Scansione del dito (posiziona le dita su un tampone di inchiostro blu, quindi posiziona lo stesso dito su un foglio di carta bianco e scansionalo prima di inviarcelo)
    3.) Firma (firma su un foglio di carta bianco, scansionalo e inviaci)
    4.) Una (1) foto formato tessera (la foto deve essere su sfondo bianco)
    5.) Colore degli occhi e colore dei capelli
    6.) Pagamento della tassa sul passaporto
    7.) In alternativa, fare clic su qui per inviare la tua candidatura.

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    USCIS Passaporti Visto

    Recensioni di Trustpilot

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    Harjeet Singh Oberoi

    Azienda affidabile e affidabile, la velocità nell'elaborazione è incredibile. Molto apprezzato

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    Il posto migliore, ma l'elaborazione del mio passaporto ha richiesto un po' più di tempo del previsto. La prossima volta, per favore, rendi il servizio molto più veloce

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