225 EUR full package

UK Permitted Paid Engagement visa allows you to work in the UK for short professional assignments and for a maximum of one month. You must be 18 years old and older. Your employer is not required to have a license to hire foreign citizens.

What you can / can’t do with your UK Permitted Paid Engagement work visa

The information on this page is under revision and update. This message will be removed when the page is updated.

UK.Visas.Consulting is not involved in providing work invitation and finding an employer. Our service are limited of a visa agency, you need to have already such invitation before reaching us for our visa service. UK.Visas.Consulting is not here to help you find a job position in the UK.

Official information from
Can do. Can’t do.
Take part in artistic, cultural, shows missions. Work if you are not an expert in your field.
Provide with legal service in particular cases. Extend your visa from within the UK.
Provide with lectures. Study.
Get married.
Demand the benefits from the state.

Service fees of UK.Visas.Consulting to get a Permitted Paid Engagement work visa to the United Kingdom.

We are committed in the full preparation of your documents to apply for a British Permitted Paid Engagement work visa:

  • We conduct a detailed consultation in order to determine which documents are needed in your case,
  • We fill out the questionnaire in English in detail,
  • We do a professional translation of all necessary documents into English,
  • In certain cases, we electronically upload your documents. Or we provide detailed instructions with what documents you need in order to visit the UK Visa Application Centre.

After getting a decision on your visa, you personally pick up the passport from the visa centre, or get it with a courier service.

With UK.Visas.Consulting specialists, you will be sure that all the documents for your Permitted Paid Engagement visa to the UK have been prepared and submitted correctly!

For our UK Permitted Paid Engagement work visa, our service is a full packaged bundle, there is no hidden fee. You only pay what you see in the table under (excluding optional services).

Cost of our service (in euro EUR €).
Cost of our service. Cost of translation in English per document.
225 € 20 €

Visa fees

Regardless of whether you use our service or apply yourself, you will need to pay a visa fee to the UK immigration services. The cost is stated in GBP on the website

The visa fee cost is not included in our service cost.
Depending on the desired length of your visa, you will need to pay for the associated visa fees cost on

UK.Visas.Consulting is not paying for the visa fees directly, we will assist you in this process.

Visa fees (in sterling pound GBP £).
Type of visa. Visa fees.
UK Permitted Paid Engagement work visa. 100 £

These amounts are indicative. You can call us to know the exact visa fee cost at the date of your call.
In the case of refusal, or if the passport is withdrawn before the decision is made, the visa fee can’t be refunded.

Visa after refusal

It is very unpleasant to receive a refusal for a UK visa. People have plans connected with this visa, starting from simple trip to the UK ending with joining family members or getting high-paid job. Processing time of your UK Permitted Paid Engagement visa

You should get a decision on your UK Permitted Paid Engagement visa within 3 weeks, following your appointment at the Visa Application Centre.

You can check all official visa decision waiting time following this link :

How to check the status of a British Permitted Paid Engagement visa application.

During the consideration of documents for a tourist visa to England, you can track the status of your application on your immigration account.

Required documents (mandatory documents and particular cases)

Each of our clients seeking a UK Visitor visa comes with their own story. For each case we give the right advice and prepare a list of documents adapted to your situation.

If you want a consultation to check your required documents for your visa, you can click the button under to reach for us.

Frequent reasons of refusal

  • No evidence that you are an expert in your field of work.
  • Insufficient financial requirements.
  • Doubt in credibility of your documents.
  • Doubt about the information in your application.
  • Doubt about the reason of your trip.

Address of the UK Visa Application Centre

We can work with visa applicants from all over the world. We will provide you with information about a visa application centre nearest to you to apply for UK visa. Or you can find yourself the nearest centre to apply for a UK visa, using this link

Where you can find the official information about UK visas

You can find all necessary information on

Official names for this visa on GOV.UK

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Avis sur Trustpilot

Visa de passeport USCIS

Avis sur Trustpilot

Rodrique Mirez

Mon relevé bancaire Wells Fargo de 3 mois a été fait aujourd'hui et il a été vérifié. Je ne peux pas vous remercier assez, chaque fois que j'en ai besoin, certains reviendront. Suis tellement reconnaissant

Monzika Clinton

J'ai commandé deux sociétés de stockage la semaine dernière jeudi et j'ai reçu tous les détails aujourd'hui. C'est vraiment un bon début pour moi cette année. Merci beaucoup de m'aider avec cette belle opportunité

Morizend Benjaz

Merci, c'était beaucoup. J'ai émis mon relevé bancaire de 12 mois avec les fonds requis et j'ai pu vérifier en ligne. Excellent travail, je commanderai à nouveau

Sahaja Yenigalla

Le meilleur personnel avec une très bonne connaissance du traitement des passeports. Les cas compliqués sont traités avec facilité et sont axés sur les résultats. Merci d'avoir ouvert la voie à ma carrière. Sans votre aide, il ne m'a pas été possible de venir aussi longtemps. Merci beaucoup pour tout ce que vous avez fait pour soutenir ma candidature. Fortement recommandé pour les voyages à l'étranger

Shivani Bhangu

C'est la 6ème fois que je voyage avec mon passeport suisse que j'ai reçu de votre équipe, j'ai vraiment compris la puissance de votre service. C'est incroyablement bon. Sera beaucoup plus confiant pour recommander votre service également.

Harjeet Singh Oberoi

Entreprise digne de confiance et fiable, la vitesse de traitement est incroyable. Très appréciée

Jagjit Singh Gaba

Le meilleur endroit, mais le traitement de mon passeport a pris un peu plus de temps que prévu. La prochaine fois, veuillez rendre le service beaucoup plus rapide

Pallvi Chhabra

Thank you to the team of UK Visa Sponsorship Jobs Agency who provided me a lot of guidance. Today am very happy as i got my visa to Canada within 12 days with overall 6.5 not less than 5.5 bands. I recommend to all the students to come here and apply here.

Manpreet Bagha

J'avais du mal à obtenir un relevé bancaire pour l'école pour laquelle je voulais postuler, ne pas avoir le budget pour le montant demandé dans le relevé bancaire m'a fait chercher où je peux en obtenir un légitime. Merci votre équipe m'a beaucoup aidé. Je serai éternellement reconnaissant.

Manpreet Singh Lubana

UK Visa Sponsorship Jobs Agency is the best place for getting visa.They guide you very professionally and intelligently.i recommend everyone to visit their website.I get my visa in one month with the great support.
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