Visa de travail luxembourgeois

Luxembourg Work Visa – Luxembourg Work Permit

Luxembourg work visa, foreign workers are required to have the proper visas and work permits in Luxembourg, as established by immigration laws.  Work permits must be secured for employees, and sponsored by a locally licensed and incorporated entity, which can be a problem for companies just entering the Luxembourg market. Apply for Luxembourg work permit online with us.  Employers looking for workers in Luxembourg are legally required to notify any job vacancy to the Department of Employment (Administration de l’Emploi) or direct here to us. An application for a work permit should be lodged before entry to Luxembourg territory with the Department of Employment or direct to us. If you live outside the EU/EEA, the following paperwork must be provided to apply for a work permit:

  • A certified copy of the applicant’s full passport
  • A certified copy of all relevant professional diplomas
  • An explanatory letter from the prospective employer confirming the employment
  • The applicant’s CV
  • A certified copy of the employment contract

We or the Department of Employment reserves the right to request any additional documents while processing the application. The application process takes from 2 to 3 weeks.

Work Visa for Luxembourg

Citizens of the EU do not require any work permit to work in Luxembourg. However, for the others, there is certain paperwork that needs to be done. The Work Visa has to be obtained. It is the Department of Employment of the country that looks after these applications and makes approvals on the same. Luxembourg work visa.

Process of Getting the Visa

The entire process of the application might take you anything between 2 to 3 weeks. So, it’s always recommended to make the application by keeping sufficient time in hand. You will require applying for your Work Visa along with the following documentations:

  • A photocopy (certified) of your Passport
  • Certified photocopies of your educational qualifications
  • Letter from the company that has offered you with the job in the country
  • Your resume including your work portfolio and relevant work experience.
  • Your employment contract with the company concerned

Once the Department of Employment offers you with a confirmation of your application, the next step involves applying for the Visa, for which the application has to be placed to us or the Luxembourg embassy depending on the area you want to apply for entering.

On approval from the Embassy, the Visa would be issued to you. The work permit is primarily important for Luxembourg to prove that you are entering the country truly to serve in a registered company within the country. Depending on the time frame that you need to stay and work in here, you can also apply for an extension, if required. It is important that all the essential documents are rightly submitted, along with the form being filled up, to avoid rejection of the Visa application, as well as to take lesser time for the approval.
For more information and advice on immigration law and visa applications please Nous contacter sur

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