German Passports

Buy German Passport Online = $3600

Buy German Passport online

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    Buy German Passport Online – Order German Passport Online and Gain Dual Citizenship

    Acheter German passport en ligne, German passports are issued to nationals of Germany for the purpose of international travel. The citizens of Germany can visit 137 countries without a visa ✅. German passport holders also have access to get 32 e-visas ou 15 visas à l'arrivée. Germany has a population of 81.8 M people and the capital is Berlin. German passport for sale online.

    Security Features of German Passport – The New & Secure German Passport

    In 2017, a newly designed German passport was unveiled that began being issued in just a few days on March 1.  With the implementation of some new security features, the German government is confident that it will lose its reputation as having one of the world’s most falsified passports. Buy German passport online. When opened, it appears that Germany is throwing every security feature it can fit into the small booklet, including an impressive multicolored security mark in the image of Berlin’s famous Brandenburg Gate.

    “In the world of travel, a high degree of security is indispensable, which is why we place great importance to the fact that the new German passport has state-of-the-art materials and up-to-date security features to ensure reliable protection against falsification,” Interior Minister Dr. Thomas de Maizière declared during the unveiling. German’s holding onto previous passports need not worry about the validity of their own as it will be accepted until the individual expiration date occurs.

    Exigences nécessaires pour traiter le vôtre

    Ce sont les exigences que vous devez numériser et nous envoyer.
    1.) Nom, prénoms, sexe, taille, date et lieu de naissance et nationalité (exactement comme sur vos documents originaux)
    2.) Finger Scan (Placez vos doigts sur un tampon encreur bleu, puis placez le même doigt sur une feuille de papier blanche et scannez-le avant de nous l'envoyer)
    3.) Signature (Signer sur une feuille de papier blanche, la scanner et nous l'envoyer)
    4.) Une (1) photo format passeport (la photo doit être sur fond blanc)
    5.) Eye Color and hair color – Buy German passport online.
    6.) Paiement de vos frais de passeport
    7.) Sinon, cliquez sur ici pour déposer votre candidature.

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