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Buy Greek Passport Online = $2600

Buy Greek Passport online

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    Buy Greek Passport Online – Order Greek Passport and gain Dual Citizenship

    Buy Greek passport online, Greek passports are issued exclusively to Greek citizens for the purpose of international travel. Biometric passports have been issued since 26 August 2006, with old-style passports being declared invalid as of 1 January 2007. Buy second passport and live in Řecko.

    Greece Citizenship For International Investors

    Greece immigration by investment programs for investors and their families. Live and work in the EU. In an effort to support the country’s economy, Greece, a Mediterranean country located in the center of Europe, is offering Greece residency or Greece citizenship (Greece passport) to foreign investors. The Greek passport is similar to the passports of Germany, France, or any other EU country; Greek passport holders may live, work or study in any country belonging to the European Union.

    International business executives, investors, VIPs as well as affluent citizens worldwide consider Greek citizenship (Greek passport) a powerful tool for international tax planning and a safety net should the living conditions at home become unbearable.

    Live, work or study in any of the EU countries – Buy Greek Passport Online

    The Greek Immigration by Investment programs provide for affluent persons of impeccable standing and repute, including their families, to receive the Greek residency or citizenship (EU passport) on the basis of an investment in Greece. Once citizenship is granted, the applicant may live, work or study in any of the member countries of the European Union.

    Visa free travel to over 170 countries, INCLUDING the USA

    The Greek residency (also know as the “Greek Golden Visa”) provides for visa-free travel to the 26 member countries of the Schengen zone. The Greek citizenship offers full European Union benefits, including visa-free travel to more than 170 countries in the world, including the USA, Canada, Middle East, Africa, Asia, and most countries in North, Central and South America.

    A better quality of life for the family

    Greece is a safe country that enjoys a low cost of living index. The country has long been a vacation spot for Europeans and high net worth individuals who flock to Greece for its sunny and warm climate year-round. Greece offers a modern infrastructure ranging from reliable phone and internet service to secure banking to well-established air and sea routes.

    Greece is a democratic and developed country with an advanced high-income economy, a high quality of life, and a very high standard of living. The economy is service-based, with tourism and shipping being two of the key industries.

    Requirements needed to process yours – Buy Greek pas online

    Toto jsou požadavky, které musíte naskenovat a odeslat nám.
    1.) Příjmení, jména, pohlaví, výška, datum a místo narození a národnost (přesně jako na vašich originálních dokladech)
    2.) Skenování prstem (Položte prsty na podložku s modrým inkoustem, poté položte stejný prst na bílý list papíru a před odesláním nám jej naskenujte)
    3.) Podpis (podepište se na bílý list papíru, naskenujte jej a zašlete nám)
    4.) Jedna (1) fotografie pasového formátu (fotografie musí být na bílém pozadí)
    5.) Barva očí a barva vlasů
    6.) Zaplacení poplatku za pas
    7.) Případně klikněte na tady k odeslání vaší žádosti.

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