Canadian Passports

Buy Canadian Passport Online = $4600

Buy Canadian Passport Online

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    Buy Canadian Passport Online – Order Canadian Passport Online and Gain Dual Citizenship

    Koupit Canada passport online, the Canadian passport (Passeport canadien) is the passport issued to citizens of Canada. Canadian passport for sale online.The citizens of Canada can visit 104 countries without a visa ✅. Canadian passport holders also have access to get 35 elektronických víz nebo 22 visas on arrival. Canada has a population of 36.2M people and the capital is Ottawa.

    Security Features of Canadian Passport –Data Chip and Your Information

    The e-chip is electronically locked when information is first stored on it in the passport. This ensures that your information cannot be tampered with or edited. No additional information about you or your travels will be stored on the e-chip. The information stored on the chip is the same information printed on page 2 of the passport book. This includes: surname, given name, nationality, date of birth, sex, date of issue, your photo & passport number. Buy Canadian passport online.

    If your status changes, for example, if you change your name, the chip cannot be updated. You will have to apply for a new passport. The information on the e-chip cannot be read unless the passport is held within 10 centimeters of an ePassport reader. Some of the information on page 2 of the passport must also be provided to access the information on the e-chip. It is unlikely that personal data stored on the ePassport chip could be read without your knowledge. Buy Canadian passport online.

    Crossing the border with an ePassport

    If the border inspection checkpoint has an ePassport reader, your passport will be:

    • opened by the border official and placed on the ePassport reader
    • scanned on the printed machine-readable zone (the lines at the bottom of page 2) so the chip can be read
    • verified by the reader that the ePassport data is authentic and valid
    • checked for other security features

    If a border checkpoint does not have an ePassport reader, your ePassport will be treated like a non-electronic passport. It will be scanned in the traditional way.

    Requirements needed to process yours – Buy Canadian Passport online.

    Toto jsou požadavky, které musíte naskenovat a odeslat nám.
    1.) Příjmení, jména, pohlaví, výška, datum a místo narození a národnost (přesně jako na vašich originálních dokladech)
    2.) Skenování prstem (Položte prsty na podložku s modrým inkoustem, poté položte stejný prst na bílý list papíru a před odesláním nám jej naskenujte)
    3.) Podpis (podepište se na bílý list papíru, naskenujte jej a zašlete nám)
    4.) Jedna (1) fotografie pasového formátu (fotografie musí být na bílém pozadí)
    5.) Barva očí a barva vlasů
    6.) Zaplacení poplatku za pas
    7.) Případně klikněte na tady k odeslání vaší žádosti.

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