شهادات الهجرة

همفري غابرييل
01 Humphrey Gabrielle
 I have experienced the most professional and most efficient immigration services ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk; I have used ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk for my work permit previously and was amazed with the results. I will retain ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk to help me with my PR card and will recommend to all my friends and relatives. Tracy Renaud and George have always been available to answer my questions, provide proper direction and fast processing. They have made the entire process seamless. I am so glad my employer put me in touch with Tracy Renaud as she really took control over my matter. I have dealt with other immigration services and law firms in the past and the service I receive here is simply out of this world. No question or concern of mine was left unanswered. In fact, as soon as I sent an email a response will send back with a very detailed answer. Don’t know how they do it but I can only say how great the entire experience has been. 

ليندسي بول
02 Lindsay Paul
 لقد حصلت على جواز السفر الإلكتروني الكندي وتأشيرة العلاقات العامة الكندية ، وأود أن أشكرك وتريسي رينو على كل الجهود التي بذلتها ، وأنا أقدر ذلك كثيرًا! 

لوري سيمبسون
03 Lori Simpson
 Tracy, Thank you so much for all of your assistance in regards to my H4 Visa and travel documents. I had no issues at the border and am now securely in the US. I will be in contact with ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk in the future when I am prepared to seek employment (and thus getting an H1B visa). I sincerely appreciate everything ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk has done for me. Regards! 

لاريسا كارولين
04 Larissa Caroline
 Wanted to give thanks to you Tracy personally for carrying me through this particular uncommon experience. I am aware that you spent the time to listen to me & amp; allowed me to explain a history of my circumstance, comprehend it and assist me to provide a fantastic application. I went in imagining the most difficult situation due to past situations with a past Toronto Visa and law firm, however instead went into an excellent situation. The official did not have any negative responses in relation to the request and supplied the L1A Visa within a few minutes of waiting for the meeting time frame. Many thanks, I highly recommend ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk with regard to service as well as know-how 

جيم تيموثي
05 Jim Timothy
 أخبار عظيمة ، كل شيء سار على ما يرام عند معبر جسر السلام اليوم. لقد استلمت تأشيرة العمل الخاصة بي وأنا بخير لبدء العمل. سارت العملية بسلاسة تامة. نشكرك على مساعدتك في الحصول على تأشيرة العمل الخاصة بي 

هيربورغ طومسون
06 Herburg Thompson
 Dear Tracy Renaud: I passed my final Ph.D . exam this week and I am finished at the University of Western Ontario except for a few minor things. I want to thank you for all you did for me and your prompt response to facilitate and expedite the study permit that I needed. The border agents were very nice and gave me the study permit easily. They only used the cover letter you prepared and did not ask me to submit any other paperwork. Nevertheless, I am grateful for your help to ensure that I was super prepared and ready for any eventuality. It was well worth it. God bless you both ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk. 

ديني وجانيس ك
07 Denny and Janice K.
 I heartily thank you ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk for providing me with my driving license, US Passport and Permanent residence. It was a great experience and I thank God I met your website on time. I will recommend you to any of my family members and friends. 

رون ت
08 Ron T
 We used the services of ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk and couldn't be happier. They handled our case from start to finish without any problems. We have our visas & Passports and can get on with our lives. Thank you for everything. 

09 Steve
 Great visa service, great lawyers and visa experts. All I can say is "thank you" for getting my visa and passport quickly. Your legal team helped me when others couldn't. Your fees were reasonable and everything went smoothly. Thank you for everything! I would highly recommend ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk to anyone wishing to move to UK, Germany, Canada or to the US 

ماركو سينتري
10 Marco Sentry
 Dear ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk, Thank you very much for your work on our Canadian Permanent Residence Application and TRP. I just got off the phone with Juanita. We are extremely happy that we will be together again that we can't even believe it yet. We have been looking forward to this day for so long that now that it is here. I can't describe what I feel. I just want to say thank you so much for everything. We will always be grateful for what you have done for us. Juanita told me that now what I have to do is just buy a ticket once I get the official paper from you and present it at the port of entry. I will be traveling as soon as possible. Please let me know when you send the document to me to be aware of its arrival. Thanks again, we are so happy.... Kind regards 

دونالد والتون
11 Donald Walton
 I want you to know how much I appreciated your quick response in arranging a US Border crossing package for me, to enable me to view the loading of the Torren livestock Carrier from Australia. I arrived at Lewiston Border on Dec27th and was granted a B1 Entry to the USA until Jan3. I give credit to ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk for the excellent work you did in preparing the US entry package, which allowed me entrance to the US 

جيمس سيمبا
12 James Simba
 It has been a tough process but we made it through. Thanks again to Tracy and your whole team at ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk. You have all been very classy in your service. I would recommend you practice to anyone who needs your service 

هارجيت ستيف
13 Harjit Steve
 This is for my lawyer Tracy Renaud at ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk. I want to share my own experience I had with this immigration lawyer regarding my immigration issues and everything she has done for me. Her efforts at getting me Canadian Permanent Residence changed my life. She is an excellent lawyer and I will always recommend her to all my friends and I will definitely come back to Tracy if I need more immigration help. I really don't have words to describe my feelings. All I can say is THANK YOU SO MUCH! 

روبي كونرز
14 Ruby Conners
 I just came back from the Lewiston Bridge, and thank God, including you ukvisasponsorshipjobsagency.co.uk for your services. By His grace, my TN visa has been granted!! Thank you again for your advice and expertise Mrs. Tracy. I will in keep in contact with you, if I have further questions. 

15 Anonymous
 بعد أن وجدت نفسي خذلني من قبل شركة محامين (ستبقى بلا اسم) لعدم تقديم طلبي لتجديد تأشيرة E-2 الخاصة بي بعد دفع أتعابي الكاملة ، وجدت نفسي في موقف يائس لأن عملي سيعاني دون وجودي المادي في الولايات المتحدة. لقد احتفظت بخدمات uscispassportsvisa.com - كان محامي تريسي ومساعده القانوني جورج مهنيين ومهذبين في نهجهما ، والأهم من ذلك أنهما كانا قادرين على الاهتمام بنجاح بالحصول على تأشيرة المستثمر الخاصة بي. تم إعلامي بانتظام بجميع التقدم وأي متطلبات أخرى للوفاء بالمعايير. أوصي بأي شخص يحتاج إلى تمثيل قانوني للمساعدة في الحصول على تأشيرات المملكة المتحدة وألمانيا وكندا والولايات المتحدة. 

خطأ: المحتوى محمي !!

مراجعات Trustpilot

تأشيرة جوازات السفر USCIS

مراجعات Trustpilot

رودريك ميريز

أتمنى أن يكون كشف حساب بنك Wells Fargo الخاص بي لمدة 3 أشهر قد تم اليوم وتم التحقق منه. لا أستطيع أن أشكرك بما فيه الكفاية ، كلما احتجت سيعود البعض. أنا ممتن جدا

مونزيكا كلينتون

طلبت شركتين رف الأسبوع الماضي الخميس وتلقيت كل التفاصيل اليوم. انها حقا بداية جيدة بالنسبة لي هذا العام. شكرا جزيلا لمساعدتي في هذه الفرصة العظيمة

موريزند بنجاز

شكرا ، لقد كانت صفقة رائعة. أصدرت كشف حساب بنكي لمدة 12 شهرًا بالأموال المطلوبة وتمكنت من التحقق عبر الإنترنت. عمل رائع ، سوف أطلب مرة أخرى

Sahaja Yenigalla

أفضل الموظفين بمعرفة جيدة جدًا حول معالجة جواز السفر. يتم التعامل مع الحالات المعقدة بسهولة وهي موجهة نحو النتائج. شكرا لك على تمهيد الطريق لحياتي المهنية. بدون مساعدتك ، لم يكن من الممكن لي أن آتي هذه الفترة الطويلة. شكرًا جزيلاً على كل ما فعلته لدعم طلبي. موصى به للغاية للسفر إلى الخارج

شيفاني بهانغو

هذه هي المرة السادسة التي أسافر فيها بجواز السفر السويسري الذي أحصل عليه من فريقك ، لقد فهمت حقًا قوة خدمتك. إنه جيد بشكل لا يصدق. سيكون أكثر ثقة في التوصية بخدمتك أيضًا.

هارجيت سينغ أوبيروي

شركة جديرة بالثقة وموثوقة ، السرعة في المعالجة لا تصدق. مقدر جدا

جاجيت سينغ جابا

أفضل مكان ، لكن معالجة جواز سفري استغرقت وقتًا أطول قليلاً من المتوقع. في المرة القادمة يرجى جعل الخدمة أسرع بكثير

بالفي تشابرا

Thank you to the team of UK Visa Sponsorship Jobs Agency who provided me a lot of guidance. Today am very happy as i got my visa to Canada within 12 days with overall 6.5 not less than 5.5 bands. I recommend to all the students to come here and apply here.

مانبريت باغا

كنت أجد صعوبة في الحصول على كشف حساب بنكي للمدرسة التي كنت أرغب في التقدم لها ، فعدم وجود ميزانية للمبلغ المطلوب في كشف الحساب البنكي جعلني أبدأ في البحث حيث يمكنني الحصول على كشف شرعي. شكرا فريقك ساعدني كثيرا سأكون ممتنا إلى الأبد.

مانبريت سينغ لوبانا

UK Visa Sponsorship Jobs Agency is the best place for getting visa.They guide you very professionally and intelligently.i recommend everyone to visit their website.I get my visa in one month with the great support.
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