Investment Visa In USA

Investment visa in USA

How to Get an E-2 Investor Visa to the US: Requirements & Services

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Do you want to start or invest in a business in the U.S.? Read about E-2 visas below.

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E2 Visa for investors and employees

E2 Visa investment requirements

Start Your E-2 Visa Assessment NOW!

Why Invest In The United States (Investment Visa in USA)?

Investment visa in USA, discover why the United States is the top investment destination. There is no shortage of reasons why business investors choose the United States. The business-friendly environment and quality of life considerations to specific technology, supply chain, infrastructure and workforce factors. The nation’s diversity and openness are what truly allow businesses from all countries and industries to find their place in the market – and thrive.

1.) First Choice for Investors. Businesses investing in the United States, regardless of industry, gain competitive advantages from one of the most open markets on the planet.

2.) World’s Largest Market. The United States offers the largest consumer market on earth with a GDP of $20 trillion and 325 million people. Household spending is the highest in the world, accounting for nearly a third of global household consumption. At the same time, free trade agreements with 20 other countries provide enhanced access to hundreds of millions of additional consumers. The United States continues to work with companies to increase opportunities for U.S. exporters.

3.) Nexus of Innovation. The United States is a recognized leader in research and development (R&D), and registers more international patents than any other country. Today’s innovators are safeguarded by a robust intellectual property protection framework, while the innovators of tomorrow are nurtured at leading universities and incubators across the nation. Companies of all sizes help make innovation in the United States a global enterprise, benefiting from – and contributing to – a flourishing ecosystem for invention and inspiration.

Investment visa in USA
United States Real-Estate Development

US E-2, E-1 and E-3 Treaty Visas

نظرة عامة على تأشيرة المستثمر بموجب معاهدة E-2 الأمريكية وتأشيرات معاهدة E-1

In many cases it may be worth considering the E2 treaty investor or E1 treaty trader visa scheme. Usually, the business needs to show that it is at least fifty percent owned by a national or nationals on the list of E-2 or E-1 Countries.  Both investors and employees of the same nationality can come under these visa schemes.  E2 treaty investor companies may be able to be registered under the E-2 scheme with investments of tens of thousands of dollars or less.  This is a much smaller investment requirement than the minimum $500,000 required under the EB5 immigrant investor scheme.  E-2 and E-1 employee visas can be obtained much more cheaply and more quickly than say L-1 or H-1B visas.

  • E-1 Treaty Trader For businesses and individuals engaged in substantial international trade between the US and the treaty investor country. The volume of trade must be sufficient to provide employment for a number of people in the United States and must constitute the majority of the trader’s international trade.
  • E-2 Treaty Investor For those who have made a significant investment in a US business in which the investor has at least a 50% ownership. The investment must be sufficient to provide employment for a number of people in the United States, and must be in an active US business.
  • E-3 Certain Specialty Occupation Professionals from Australia. For Australian nationals to come to the US to engage in a specialty occupation role. Applicants for this visa must have a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) or higher, and the job must be in a specialty occupation.
5 Best Ways for Investors to Immigrate to the United States (Investment Visa in USA)
  1. EB-5 Regional Center Investment
  • Pro: Low $500,000 U.S. payment for a green card, passive involvement
  • Con: Money is managed by someone else
  1. EB-5 Direct Investment
  • Pro: Complete control of the money
  • Con: High payment of $1 million for a green card, active involvement required
  1. Inter-corporate Transferee
  • Pro: Cheap way to get a green card
  • Con: Requires support of a petitioning company
  1. E-2 Work Visa
  • Pro: Fastest way to get into the USA to work
  • Con: Complicated to get permanent residence without the EB-5 direct addition.
  1.  EB-1 Extraordinary Immigrants
  • Pro: Self-petitioning green card – no supporting employer required.
  • Con: You have to be a genius or reach high in your field to get it.
Further information, help, and advice

If you would like to apply for (US E-2, E-1 and E-3 Treaty Visas) through, please اتصل بنا now at .

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